Personal Assistant

Let us help with everyday burdens that make your life harder, so you can focus on you or your loved one.

The Personal Assistant role consists of performing lifestyle and organizational duties for our clients. Examples of these duties can be organizing client homes and spaces, sorting client mail, running errands, grocery shopping and other clerical and administrative functions.

We added our Personal Assistant service, because we noticed our clients not only needing help with the complexity of their care, but are also getting lost in everyday activities that are now more difficult to do by themselves.

Times when a personal assistant could be of benefit to you:

You live out of town and Mom needs groceries

Dad can no longer drive

Mom needs to get her license renewed, but there are too many steps for her to go alone

Your medications need to be picked up from your pharmacy

hand holding heart



“Jane struggled with having her belongings organized and sometimes misplaced valuable items. While preparing to pack clothing from a closet, she focused on a specific pair of pants and became worried since it was missing a matching piece she had hidden some jewelry in. This made her feel anxious and unable to proceed with the task of packing her closet items.

I took a photo of the fabric and went to a different closet nearby. Holding the photo, I scanned over the clothing until I found something that matched. Taking it to her, she felt relieved that the item had been found and set aside for her to take with later. Having peace of mind, she was able to focus on the task of packing without continuing to feel stressed.”

Let us help with the everyday tasks so you can enjoy more of life.